Interaction and Storytelling with(in) Immersive Media Workshop

New Avenues for Increased Engagement​

Call for Papers

The future of media experiences poses a series of thrilling challenges, but the appearance of novel technologies, formats and mediums brings a new wave of opportunities to reimagine content (co-)creation, hybridization, distribution, interaction, and engagement possibilities.

While opportunities are endless, the 1st edition of “Interaction and Storytelling with(in) Immersive Media (ISIM)” Workshop aims to explore and discuss the potential and implications of integrating emerging immersive media technologies and formats (e.g., Point Clouds, light field, Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF), 3D Gaussian Splatting, multi-sensory stimuli…), potentially assisted with Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques, to enable new avenues for evocative consumption experiences and increased engagement.

In particular, the primary focus will be on exploring and ideating new interaction and storytelling possibilities with and within immersive media environments, so as to maximize the potential benefits and revenues.

Under the umbrella of cross-fertilization actions between key EU projects in this area, ISIM aims at bringing together worldwide enthusiastic academia and industry players, as well as end users and stakeholders, to discuss new ideas, challenges, and opportunities in this domain, with a key focus on the added value to the consumers, and thus indirectly to industry players in this domain (content creators, content service providers, manufacturers, technologists…).


ISIM welcomes contribution addressing a plethora of topics within the immersive media realm, including, but not limited to:

  • Content (co-)creation tools
  • Content optimization techniques
  • Content production tools
  • Content blending strategies
  • Content sharing, search, and discovery (by e.g. using online repositories)
  • AI-assisted content creation and processing
  • Haptics
  • Multimodal interaction with(in) immersive media
  • Orchestration and adaptation to target consumption platforms and devices
  • End-to-end workflows
  • Storytelling approaches
  • Accessibility and inclusivity
  • Scenarios and use cases
  • Deployment and adoptability implications and barriers
  • Evaluation methodologies
  • Standardization activities within such topics
  • New provoking ideas and visions
  • Market opportunities and business models

Submission Information

ISIM welcomes different formats of contributions:

  • Long papers (4-6 pages, excluding references). Oral presentation
  • Short papers (2-3 pages, excluding references. Short oral presentation

Demos are also welcome, but must be accompanied with a paper submission.

Templates: New SIGCHI Proceedings Format at

Accepted papers will be indexed in the ACM Digital Library, as part of their ICPS series proceedings

Submission URL:

Selected contributions will be invited for publication at a Special Collection / Issue of a Relevant Journal

Important Dates

Submission Deadline: April 18th, 2024
Acceptance Notification: April 23rd, 2024
Camera Ready Version: April 30th, 2024
Workshop: June 12th, 2024


  • Mario Montagud (University of Valencia, i2CAT Foundation)
  • Sergi Fernández (i2CAT Foundation)
  • Niall Murray (Technological University of the Shannon)
  • Yu Xiao (Aalto University)
  • Fiona Rivera (BBC)
  • Francisco Ibánez (Brainstorm)
  • Pablo Cesar (CWI, TU Delft)

Contact Points

ISIM 2024 Program

13:00 - 13:10

Welcome + Overall Presentations

13:10 - 14:00

Paper Session 1 - Multimodal Stimuli for Increased Engagement

  • “Remixing and repurposing cultural heritage archives through a collaborative and AI-generated storytelling digital platform”
    Pedro Almeida (Digimedia, University of Aveiro), Ana Teixeira, Ana Velhinho, Telmo Silva, Luís Pedro
  • “Unsupervised Bayesian Surprise Detection in Spatial Audio with Convolutional Variational Autoencoder and LSTM Model”
    Arman Nik Khah (University of Texas at Dallas), Chitsein A.D. Htun (University of Texas at Dallas), Ravi Prakash (University of Texas at Dallas)
  • “ThermoTouch: Exploring a modular design of a programmable wearable thermo-haptic device”
    Vikberg Esa, Yu-Han Tseng, Tim Moesgen, Ramyah Gowrishankar, Yu Xiao (Aalto University, Espoo, Finland), 

14:00 - 15:15

Paper Session 2 - Immersive Connected Experiences

  • “Exploring engagement dynamics between journalists and news consumers in Social XR”
    – Arno Verhofstadt (imec-SMIT, Vrije Universiteit Brussel), Iris Jennes, Wendy Van den Broeck, Natasja Van Buggenhout, Marie Hospital, Delphine Ramond, Alexandre Grosbois, Matej Praprotnik, Sabrina Povsic Stimec, Kaella Kolle
  • “Integrating Head Mounted Displays into Live Broadcasting Workflows: Implications and Possibilities from an Industry Perspective”
    – Bryan Dunphy (Technological University of the Shannon), Gareth Young, Grace Dinan, Niall Murray
  • “Volumetric Video Reconstruction and Communications: Toward a New Era of Interactive and Immersive Social Virtual Reality (VR) Experiences”
    – Iván Huerta (i2CAT Foundation), Leo Toledo (i2CAT Foundation), Sergio Montoya, Marc Martos, Sergi Fernández, Mario Montagud
  • “An Exploration of Phantom Touch as a Design Aspect to Enhance Wellbeing and Safety in Social VR”
    – Ágnes Karolina Bakk (Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, Budapest, Hungary)

15:15 - 15:30


15:30 - 17:45

Projects Session

  • “MAX-R: Mixed Augmented and eXtended Reality media pipeline”
    – Francisco Ibáñez (Brainstorm) (
  • “Accelerating XR Innovation through a pan-European Lab Network: An overview of the EMIL project”
    – Yu Xiao, et al. (
  • “PRESENCE: A toolset for hyper-realistic and XR-based human-human and human-machine interactions”
    – Sergi Fernández, et al., –
  • “HEAT: Toward Interactive and Distributed Hybrid Extended Reality Experiences”
    – Maurizio Murroni (University of Cagliari), et al., (

17:45 - 18:00

Wrap-up & Closing

Horizon Europe Partners

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