A Virtual Reality Volumetric Music Video: Featuring New Pagans

Music videos are creative short films that showcase songs and visuals for both artistic and promotional purposes. With advancements in technology, modern music videos now use various techniques and post-production tools to offer diverse and engaging experiences for audiences on multiple devices. One such technology, volumetric video (VV), is gaining popularity in capturing and reproducing live musical performances in 3D as volumetric music videos (VMVs). These 3D reproductions are designed to provide cutting-edge audiovisual entertainment for both traditional 2D screens and emerging extended reality (XR) platforms like augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR). However, the impact of VMVs on virtual production techniques is still uncertain and evolving. In this short paper, we describe the creation of a unique VMV that applies VV for presentation via VR and hypothesize on what this means for future music productions and serious game technologies.

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