Leading the Way in XR and AI Innovations for the creative sector

Midterm Review

The midterm review of the TRANSMIXR project has unveiled significant strides towards success, capturing the attention of academic researchers and creative industry professionals alike. This milestone assessment has highlighted the project’s exceptional progress, affirming the hard work and dedication of the team involved.

The TRANSMIXR project, which commenced in October 2022, aims to reduce barriers and accelerate the adoption of human-centric eXtended Reality (XR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies within the creative and cultural sectors (CCS). The midterm review, conducted by a panel of experts including renowned academic researchers and industry professionals, meticulously evaluated the project’s achievements to date. The meeting took place on May 22-23, 2024, at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB).

Key findings from the midterm review indicate that the project is not only on track but has surpassed several initial benchmarks. “The progress we’ve seen so far is truly commendable,” stated Niall Murray, the lead researcher on the project. “Our team has demonstrated remarkable ingenuity and commitment, and these results reflect that.”

Among the notable achievements highlighted in the review are:

Innovative Methodologies

TRANSMIXR has introduced groundbreaking methodologies that have set new standards in the field. These include defining novel workflows for CCS professionals to work with XR and AI technologies, and developing human-centric technology components for content sourcing, understanding, production, and consumption. Significant progress has been made in defining technical and user requirements, resulting in novel production workflows and guidelines for volumetric video capturing, AI techniques for creating 3D content, and social XR pipelines for enhanced communication and collaboration.

Video 1: A demo of real-time remote collaboration within social XR environment

Collaborative Efforts

A significant factor contributing to the project’s success is the strong collaboration between various stakeholders. The project has interacted with over 350 stakeholders through requirements and design workshops, surveys, interviews, and demonstrations. Researchers, industry experts, and community members have worked in unison, fostering a rich environment for knowledge exchange and innovation.

Day 1 Highlights:

  • Demonstration setups included the Newsroom toolbox and XR Stories by WLT and HSLU, the TV Pilot Programme by Immersion and CERTH, the Tale Weaver project by Satore, and Data-driven Immersive Storytelling by CWI and Khora.
  • Presentations featured the WP7 report by Niall Murray (TUS), WP1 report by Wendy Van den Broeck (VUB), and UC1 News Media update by Marie Hospital (AFP).
  • Demo sessions allowed all partners to showcase their projects, followed by presentations on Work Packages 2, 3, 4, and 6 by Lyndon Nixon (MOD), Pablo Cesar (CWI), Julien Castet (IMM), and Cristiana Peres (F6S), respectively.


Video 2: Use case – newsroom of the future toolbox.

Video 3: TRANSMIXR AI dashboard

Day 2 Highlights:

  • Reports and discussions continued with WP5 & WP6 updates, including UC1 News Media by Marie Hospital (AFP), UC2 News Broadcast by Trevor Ó Clochartaigh (TG4), UC3 Performing Arts by Tupac Matir (Satore), and UC4 Cultural Heritage by Rasa Bočytė (NISV).
  • Technical Work Package reports were delivered by Lyndon Nixon (MOD), Pablo Cesar (CWI), and Julien Castet (IMM).
  • The session concluded with feedback and recommendations from the Project Officer and Evaluation Experts.

Positive Impact:

Preliminary results indicate a positive impact on the creative and cultural sectors. TRANSMIXR’s initiatives will yield tangible benefits, such as enhanced workflows for news media, performing arts, and cultural heritage sectors. For instance, the newsroom of the future concept has been realised through the creation of volumetric video tools and immersive storytelling experiences, while performing arts have benefited from novel environments mixing real and virtual elements.

Video 4: The team showcasing their work to the public at DIS (Distributed and Interactive Systems) group event hosted by CWI.

The midterm review also provided valuable feedback and recommendations to further enhance the project’s trajectory.

“While we have achieved much, the review has offered us insights that will be instrumental in refining our approach,” added Niall Murray. “We are committed to leveraging this feedback to ensure the continued success of our project.”

The jury panel for the midterm review included EU Project Officer Tunde Levy, and Evaluation Experts: Mads Damsbo of Kaspar ApS and Makropol ApS; Kati Anna Karoliina Leisti of Zoan and Steroscapy Oy; Krzysztof Walczak of Poznan the University of Economics, who provided thorough deliberations and valuable feedback during the sessions.

The project’s success has not only captured the interest of the academic community but has also resonated with the creative industry. The positive reception is a testament to the project’s relevance and potential to address pressing issues effectively.

Looking ahead, the TRANSMIXR team is poised to build on this momentum, with plans to implement the recommendations from the midterm review and continue their efforts with renewed vigour. The next phase of the project promises to delve deeper into the research, aiming to achieve even more impactful outcomes.


TRANSMIXR aims to ignite the immersive media sector by enabling new narrative visions through the development and adoption of eXtended Reality (XR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies. The project focuses on advancing social XR and AI technologies for application within media production, delivery, and consumption, targeting the creative and cultural sectors.

Authors: TUS – The Technological University of the Shannon team

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