First analysis of users, needs and challenges ahead
At the end of a successful TransMIXR kick-off meeting in Athlone, a co-creation workshop was organised to get a more in-depth view on each of the four use cases. The workshop was led by VUB, where each use case (news media & broadcasting (UC1+2), performing arts (UC3) and cultural heritage (UC4) was discussed in a separate group with use case partners and technical partners, to have an intensive brainstorm session about first user requirements. Each representative of the use case was present to share their knowledge and vision with the other partners who participated in the workshop. The result of the workshop was an in-depth discussion resulting in first user requirements.
Firstly, we took a deep dive into a stakeholder management exercise to identify main categories of end- and professional users. Here, we noticed three common cluster groups in the different use cases: young audiences, (content) creators and inclusive groups (hearing and visual impaired). Next, based on the identified stakeholders we focused on their main concerns on the one hand and goals on the other hand. Identified goals were for example entertainment, education or empowerment. When we look into the concerns; trustworthiness, social dynamics and inclusive design were findings to keep into account. In addition, we also took a look at their media use in terms of devices and tools they use. An extended set of different requirements was the outcome to have a starting point for further examination in the project with users. Lastly, we discussed potential features, content and devices that TRANSMIXR should integrate. Technical features such as volumetric video, audio features, 3D models,… have been discussed. An extended set of different requirements was the outcome to have a starting point for further examination in the project with users.
As a next step, new workshops with end-users and professionals will take place. A first professional workshop for the news media & broadcasting has been organised by partners AFP, Sparknews and Immersion in Bordeaux. A workshop with the performing arts use case is scheduled in Lisbon during the TRANSMIXR general assembly, led by VUB and Satore. Workshops with end-users for all use cases will be planned in March 2023.