Successful first workshop for heritage professionals

The first workshop for heritage professionals took place on 29th March 2023.  Professionals from the museum and heritage sector together with technical experts and scholars concerned with the ethical consequences of technological progress.content attended this event to reflect on possible new applications of Mixed Reality for the heritage sector. Creative new applications arose through the use of the World Café method, in which the attendees think in groups about their own concept, but also about the concepts of the other groups. With these creative ideas and the associated wishes, a picture can be sketched of the user wishes and conditions for the application of Mixed Reality for the heritage sector.

Due to the diverse backgrounds within the group, not only the application of the technology was discussed, but also the limitations of the technology and the technical possibilities were discussed. The ethical framework in which the plans were discussed was also touched on by some of those present, which immediately created a complete picture of the possibilities of MR for the heritage sector.

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