Transferability of TRANSMIXR technologies to new sectors

Niall Murray, coordinator of TRANSMIXR

TUS gave an invited talk and joined an expert panel at two recent industry events where they highlighted the opportunities for XR and human centre AI technologies across a variety of business sectors including human resources and in agriculture.

Niall Murray, coordinator of TRANSMIXR, recently gave an invited talk and joined an expert panel at two recent industry events in Ireland where he highlighted the opportunities for technologies that are being developed in the project outside the core TRANSMIXR domains of news media and broadcast, cultural heritage and performing arts.

On the 4th October, at the Douglas Hyde Theatre of the Technological University of the Shannon Athlone Campus, the Midlands Region of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development hosted an expert panel on “How is AI transforming today’s businesses?”. The panel included Eoghan Kenny, Compliance Expert and Entrepreneur, Niall Murray, senior lecturer and researcher at TUS Athlone and Joan Mulvihill, Digitalisation and Sustainability Lead at Siemens. There was lively discussion on the pros and cons of AI, risks of automation, the need for human centred approaches with lots of engagement with more than 100 students and personnel development professionals. The panel was chaired by Johanna Archbold and the session was closed by University President Professor Vincent Cunnane.

At the 80th Anniversary Conference of the Society of Dairy Technology, held in University College Cork Nov 22nd-24th, a detailed overview on the pragmatic uses of XR technology and AI were presented. The talk highlighted where these technologies can provide utility and impact, aligning with the theme of the conference “Digitalisation of Processing in the Dairy Industry”. The event was attended by more than 150 industry professionals and academics working in the dairy technology industry.

Niall Murray presenting

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