TRANSMIXR news media & broadcasting end-users’ workshops completed

After summer 2023, two end-user workshops focused on the news media & broadcasting use case took place in Slovenia and France.

These workshops were conducted by Sparknews, AFP, Immersion and RTVSLO, coordinated by VUB. The aim of these workshops was to gather additional end-user requirements and insights. The process of the requirements gathering process ends with these 2 end-user workshops and the previous 2 professional user workshops. The results (a set of user requirements) will be presented by VUB during the next General Assembly in Dublin next month.

Sparknews, AFP, Immersion workshop

AFP & Sparknews’ end-user workshop took place in a public Library in the French city of Bordeaux, South-West of France, home town to our VR partners Immersion.

Many registered participants ended up not turning up, but the few we had were very motivated and gave us invaluable input.They all had a chance to test the XR headsets brought by the Immersion team.

The participants were presented with four different types of news reports that used either 360, VR or AR technologies. We then asked them to choose which ones they preferred, and to imagine their own experience.

Interestingly they all found the headsets quite attractive. For some it’s a way to be more focused on a specific story, an experience that can be lived at home to re-live a historical moment for instance or explore a scientific discovery. For others, on the contrary, the VR experience is something that can be shared as a group, in public space, to better understand a specific piece of news. 

More generally the feedback from the end-users confirmed the conclusions we drew from the professional workshops we organised : the immersive format is not adapted to “hot news” but more for documentary like formats or “gameplay” formats.

RTVSLO workshop 

A diverse group of twelve participants from Slovenia, including individuals of different ages and backgrounds, expressed their desire for improved news and journalism quality. They emphasized the importance of journalist knowledge and adherence to professional standards. They consider family-inherited media consumption habits to be crucial. Media consumption, including various news formats, is viewed as essential, with the length and format adapted to suit the publication channel and the user. Credibility of information sources is highly valued, with a strong connection to media credibility.

Regarding AI and XR technologies, participants currently see them as a personal experience but anticipate a shift toward group experiences in the future. Their use of these technologies for news consumption is influenced by available time, with content being prioritized over location. The level of prior knowledge influences whether individuals independently research news presented with XR and AI technology or follow journalist instructions. Special glasses for news consumption are seen as inconvenient, and there’s a call for more user-friendly products. Participants emphasize the need to consider individuals with disabilities. They believe XR and AI technologies are more suited for in-depth news and information rather than daily updates. These technologies are seen as valuable for exploring dangerous, physically inaccessible, or phobia-inducing locations. They believe AI technologies will play a significant role in content creation, with mixed reality being the medium for accessing the news.

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