TRANSMIXR Task Forces in full flow!

In addition to efforts on requirements gathering and definition as well as efforts on communications, 8 TRANSMIXR task forces have been defined. The task forces involve collaborative efforts from all TRANSMIXR partners to progress the work package tasks. More details on the efforts of the individual task forces are below.

Following the TRANSMIXR General Assembly in Lisbon, and based on the feedback and discussion on requirements, several task forces were set up to compliment the ongoing efforts from a requirement gathering perspective (professional and user workshops) and from a communications perspective. The outputs of these task forces represent our collaborative efforts of PilotPoint5 and all information on these task forces is available on our shared drive here. The summary is a summary of the different task forces, who is involved and what we target to deliver for the next GA in Amsterdam at the end of June.

  • Understanding Engine Task Force: Led by MOD with contributions from CERTH-IDT, TCD, WLT as well as inputs from SPARK, this task force is working to deliver an early-stage version of the TRANSMIXR dashboard for the GA in Amsterdam. It will showcase to use case partners some functionality for search, text to video, multimedia segmentation and a mock up annotation of XR media. This demo will outline a valid a linkage between the understanding engine of WP2 and how generated content can be used in WP3.
  • Creation/Authoring/Experience Task Force: Led by CWI/IMM with contributions from TUS, HSLU, Intel, Khora, NISV, TCD. A number of different demonstrations will be shown in Amsterdam on Generative AI as well as some experiences of Social XR, a creation experience and an augmented studio experience. Finally, this task force will also present the results of a survey outlining tools used for creation in XR.
  • Volumetric Video Task Force: Led by CERTH-VCL, with contributions from CWI, HSLU, Intel, and Khora, this task force will showcase some experiences, HMD and tablet based on volumetric video. 
  • Architecture Task Force: Led by Intel, with contributions from CWI, TUS, HSLU, Khora, WLT, MOD, IMM, TCD, CERTH-VCL. This task force is working towards defining a number of system architecture diagrams: Overarching and more detailed diagrams for “real-time” and “offline-authoring”.
  • Metric Task Force: Led by TUS, with contributions from CWI, HSLU, VUB and TCD. This task force is working towards the definition of a range of metrics that are relevant to TRANSMIX. It will define a range of metrics in terms of qualitative audience metrics, physiological metrics, system quality metrics etc.
  • Standards & Formats Task Force: Led by HSLU with contributions CWI, Intel, TUS and TCD. This task force is currently scoping and evaluating existing media formats to determine their applicability to the TRANSMIXR use cases as well as identifying directions for extensions and further research.
  • Production workflow Task Force: Led by CWI with contributions from BFCT (and their partner organisations), Khora, IMM. This task force is defining a shared document that will outline the tools and working methodologies between partners informed by the professional approaches currently undertaken at Khora, Immersion and cluster partners of the BFCT.
  • Exploitation & Business Planning: Led by WLT & NISV. This task force is defining a strategy in terms of we migrate from funded project and post-project innovation and commercial exploitation. Itwill include an overview of planned exploitation activities, analyse potential and generate recommendations for future activities, a market watch etc.

All of these efforts are in addition to the ongoing requirements gathering stage which is led by VUB with contributions from AFP, IMM, SATORE, AFP, SPARKNEWS, RTVSLO, TG4, NISV, TUS & CWI.

During the General Assembly meeting on 27-28 June in Amsterdam, we will have updates from all task forces via demos or short presentations.   

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